Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Exoticism, Traveling and "intelligence"

'The Sidereal Voyage' in radical alterity discusses the theory of exoticism, the liking of something foreign like and different. The author meshes together alot of different worlds yet binds them together in the end to this exoticism. With the druggies, travelers and intermixing cultures they all have this fascination with having no 'real' control. At some point I think that all humans have a fascination with having no control, our society is so controled that we enjoy something different and almost 'not right,' to have no control. If our societies werent so controlled and were more chaotic would we have a fascination with this sidreal voyage?
In 'Artificial Stupidity or Intelligence' the author makes a good point with computers not being exactly like the human brain, like it has been compared to. Their is no feelings or emotions for the decisions made only calculations. "It is abstract without abstraction, formal but without knowledge of forms. Its power comes from the absense of reality that also makes it weak." This is why computers should not rule our world in the end unless we build them to have feelings with their calculations to be more like the human brain, then their would be no weakness. But in the end is this possible? And how would it effect our world? Would their be a need for humans?

1 comment:

  1. Do we have to downgrade the human for this to happen first? Might the past century or so of human life be seen as an effort to do just that?
