Friday, January 23, 2009

"The Ticket That Exploded"

This is an interesting splice book, I find myself not being able to dive into the book as much as I would like because it is very intense and complicated at the same time. I think that I am not able to understand the book's emotions as much becasue it is combining two things, the books version of love with disturbing alien sex acts/content. I think that is about the only thing that I understand at this point all of the sex throughout the book and the splicing of "good" content that I can understand with disturbing content.
Their was one comment made in class yesterday about our "anti-bodies" fighting the book off, and in a way this is true for me. We as humans have been built to accept a certain standard of living and a certain standard of emotions but when these emotions and way of life are tampered with and thrown into something disgusting/disturbing we don't know how to handle it because it doesn't fit into our way of life so we immediately reject it. I find this to be another reason why I cannot delve into the book. But I'll keep reading and see what it to come in the next portion of the book!

1 comment:

  1. I like how you work against your resistance to the text. Remember resistance is usually one step away from theorizing.
